On The Normalization Of The Communist Threat In America. February 25, 2024.

In the preface to my book, The Demise of America, I tell the story of the transformation of American society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, a catastrophic social event that started some 50 years earlier and still remains generally unrecognized today by almost everyone. Prior to the transformation, during the authoritarian era, the expressions of people’s socially destructive tendencies, the emotional plague, were largely contained. When expressed, it was through their authoritarian forms of individual social armor. The two party system, where both groups were loyal to the ideals of the American system of government were intact. Then the Vietnam war, largely fueled by the Chinese communist expression of the plague, broke through and took over the social surface in America which was accompanied by the anti-authoritarian transformation of our society. This event, with the support of Russia, made it possible for the continuing spread of communist plague. At this time, the American two party political system broke down. This scourge of the emotional plague, not recognized as a menace in the public’s mind, is manipulated and largely dominated by the left-centered American political left. Their cluelessness is how the plague is allowed to continue its destructiveness of America in today’s increasingly antiauthoritarian American society.

On Recognizing Human Social Destructiveness

The problem of immigrants entering America in waves illegally through its Southern Border originates partly from the ignorance of armored humans recognizing the importance of geographical borders as natural, bio-social functions. It is also the result of people’s confusion between rational core social functions and the destructive secondary layer social activity that has increased in recent years during the Biden’s presidency. This distinction is essential before any sense can be made of the human destructive that remains unrecognized and how the operation of the emotional plague reigns supreme.

On Conducting A Successful Emotional Plague Operation.

The following is the emotional plague tactic used by Hamas in its attempt to topple the Israeli government in the Middle East.

  1. Provoke the victim to an act of aggression against the plague character aggressor.
  2. Blame the victim as the aggressor and provocateur.

On Recognizing The Emotional Plague

Any system of thought is limited in its effectiveness to the extent that it does not recognize the operation of the emotional plague in everyday life. The distinction between the three layers of the bio psychic apparatus: the biological core, the destructive secondary layer and the superficial surface layer is essential. An example of this is the operation of the Supreme Court’s, mindless decision to legalize the Communist Party (CPUSA) which is an expression of human destructiveness originating in the secondary layer of armored humans. In effect, the values originating from the biological core of humans that were responsible for America’s greatness were negated.

The catastrophic, social effects of this decision are increasingly seen everywhere in today’s everyday social life. The core values of human life have been virtually eliminated and the secondary destructive layer reigns supreme.

We Are Living in Difficult And Dangerous Times.

Because of the unrecognized anti-authoritarian transformation of America that occurred in American Society in the mid-sixties, the structure of our society is entirely different today than it was in the past. A major change was that the traditional respect and loyalty that had existed for elders and authority figures in the past authoritarian social order was destroyed. Today, this respect is generally non-existent. A glaring example is the decline in the prestige and respect by the general public for Authority figures in general and for members of the psychiatric profession in particular. The psychiatrists’ traditional highly respected reputation as a leader on social issues no longer exists today. Another destructive consequence of the transformation was the destruction of the American two-party system as members of the communist party are allowed to enter governmental institutions and become loyal members of Congress.

Whatever natural, biological contact that existed between patient and therapist in the past (the doctor-patient relationship) has been replaced today by the mechanism of substitute contact through the exclusive use of medications as the primary tool in psychiatric therapy. As a result of the transformation, people today are more out of touch with themselves, and socially, with others. The outcome of this antiauthoritarian transformation will be the irreversible destruction of the American form of Democracy and its replacement by a fascist state (a “New America”) controlled by those in political power on the political left.

Our only hope to prevent social destruction is that enough people see the futility of applying political solutions to everyday social problems and for them to see what is happening functionally, the way all human relationships actually happen.

On The Current Invasion of the Emotional Plague in America

Thanks to the operation of the media in America, the forces of the emotional plague have been elevated and have entered center stage for public attention. The plague’s first step was to destroy the importance of natural, genital, sexuality from the biological core. It did this by confusing every form of perverse human sexual behavior such as transsexualism originating from people’s secondary destructive and superficial social layers and equating it as equally important. The next step was for power-hungry, emotional plague-ridden, far left, politicians and activists to embrace these perverse ideas as their ideology and promote them through their political machinery for public consumption. As a result, the emotional plague is being used today to promote the self-serving ideologies of politicians to increase their power for control over people’s lives.

On How The Emotional Plague Has become Legitimized In America.

In the past authoritarian era, the communist threat and communism were generally recognized by most people as a threat to the American nation and, despite having no knowledge of the emotional plague, this social disease was aggressively and rationally dealt with by our government.

In today’s antiauthoritarian society, the emotional plague has successfully penetrated into the mainstream of American society and as a result, the awareness of the communist threat to our society no longer exists. The plague has dealt with the problem of being recognized as a threat by simply changing its facade and identifying itself as a benign”progressive.” As a result of this maneuver, unrecognized by almost everyone, communism today has successfully infested every segment of our society including the three branches of our government.

The Emotional Plague’s Relentless Attack On America.

The primary function of the emotional plague is to destroy natural, unarmored, human life. It is no surprise, therefore, that its prime focus in America has turned to attacking natural human sexuality. The plague started its campaign by normalizing the ideas of homosexuality and transsexualism in people’s minds and confusing natural and perverse sexuality and, therefore, negating the important biological differences between them.

The plague’s ultimate objective is to destroy the fabric of American society. It operates by creating social chaos in any way possible by destroying the nation’s social and economic systems. For example, the plague started its American campaign by focusing on protecting the rights of adult homosexuals, transgenders and so on. Today It has spread to include the “rights” of children by injecting confusing marketing ideas about children’s dress code. By doing so, it has further invaded the public mainstream. Today, the emotional plague’s ideology in children’s clothing is being marketed in major public outlets including Target and promoted as a “new style” in children’s clothing and the masses are too clueless to do anything to effectively stop it. They can resort only to boycotting the stores. This shows that because of people’s cluelessness the plague can do its social evil in front of people’s eyes almost completely unopposed. The problem of people’s cluelessness, not recognizing evil, the emotional plague, is a combination of ignorance of the plague’s existence and severe ocular armor, not seeing the world functionally as it is, without distorted mechanistic/mystical thinking.

Another Symptom Of The Antiauthoritarian Transformation Of Our Social Order. May 6, 2013.

The firing of Tucker Carlson, a TV newscaster on Fox News, is another symptom of the transformation of American society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian which started in the 1960’s and is successfully destroying our nation. Prior to that time, members of both parties, despite their political differences, were emotionally loyal to the American nation. Both forces were in a relationship of attractive opposition. As a result, the transformation of American society as a whole became disassociated and the political center shifted to the left of center. Regarding their loyalty to America, both political forces are now in a relationship of antagonistic opposition.

An early indication of the transformation was the disintegration in the Democrat party and far-left candidates who successfully infiltrated the party and were elected to Congress. Today the transformation has extended to include the fragmentation of the Republication party as well. As a result, in today’s anti-authoritarian social order, the two parties bi-partisan system of ideological allegiance to the American nation, as it was understood in the past, no longer exists. Because of the leftward political shift in American society, there are strong anti-American sentiments embedded in both political views and any person who is an out-spoken pro-American such as Tucker Carlson can be targeted and marginalized by the combined efforts of the forces of both political parties acting against each other in unison.

By not recognizing the ideologically based bio-emotional forces underlying political thinking nothing can be understood.

The Invasion of The Emotional Plague in Today’s Antiauthoritarian Social Order. February 17, 2023.

In the past authoritarian social order, prior to the 1960’s, people’s emotional plague reactions and behaviors were mostly sequestered in their destructive secondary layer, only rarely appearing on the social surface as destructive human activity. In today’s antiauthoritarian social order the emotional plague has broken into and is expressed mostly in unrecognized day-to-day activities of social life.

The number of people who identify as transgender has grown significantly, especially among young Americans. According to the article “More Trans Teens are Choosing Top Surgery,” that appeared in The New York Times October 3, 2022, around 700,000 people under 25 identified as transgender in 2022…nearly double the estimate in 2020. Top Surgery is a general term referring to breast surgeries done on young people who are not satisfied with their sexuality and the appearance of their breasts. The article states that “Small studies suggest that breast removal surgery improves transgender teenagers’ well-being, but data is sparse…”

The world of plague-ridden adults takes advantage of the sexual disorientation of these confused, young people psychically by indulging in their distorted belief systems and somatically by medically destroying their sexual function. They can then be manipulated to fall in line with the leftist mind-set of their hate-America ideological leaders, all in the name of young people’s “freedom of expression.” The emotional plague thrives on people’s confusion in front of everyone’s eyes.

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